“I couldn’t sleep at all last night!”
Whatever was the initial spark, I have spent much of the early morning trying to keep up with the flow of ideas that seem endless at this point.
SXSWi 2008 in Retrospect: Sunlight and Soljah Boy
Tuesday gifted me with a wonderfully impromptu sxswi lunch with people whom I had just met that morning, great Cuban food and even better conversation. Afterwards, I forwent the Jane McGonigal keynote to soak up the deliciously warm sunlight on the south side of the conference center. A passing sxsw friend joined me, and we […]
If anyone has seen my clarity, will you get it back to me?
I love travel. *Love* it. I love seeing new places, meeting new people, and seeing people that I already know and love. I love making the new place “mine” by finding out the closest place where I can buy agave nectar or a favorite toothpaste. I love walking down an unfamiliar street and soaking up […]