A Publishing Deal for Banish Your Inner Critic!

Posted by on May 12, 2016 in Books | One Comment
A Publishing Deal for Banish Your Inner Critic!

I’ve been busting at the seams: I have great news about my upcoming book Banish Your Inner Critic! On 15 April, I signed a deal with Mango Publishing Group, which is redefining the book business as we know it. I now have a publisher for my book! Woot!

During the initial planning for this book, I was completely gung-ho about self-publishing: it just made so much sense from a timing and logistics standpoint. However, I had serious concerns (read: abject terror) about figuring out the marketing, promotional, and distribution pieces of the book self-publishing puzzle – especially given what seemed like the underwhelming selling performance of my first book 6 years ago.

For months, I’ve been saying I wanted to do this book right, which meant not only for it to be written and designed well, but also for the marketing strategy to be well thought out and properly executed. Can you see how easily my own Inner Critic had a field day and I went into panicked overwhelm trying to think through all of that in addition to writing the book itself? Oy!

Also, I’ll be honest: recovering from last year’s nonstop speaking schedule made it difficult to get into a writing rhythm. For the first two months of the year, all I had the bandwidth for was research (and therapeutic gardening). I finally kicked into gear with the first round of writing a couple of weeks ago – just in time to have to stop for a week-long trip for speaking. Writing a book while running a business is not for the faint of heart, y’all. I marvel at how other people do it!

Now with the Mango partnership, I’ll get the best of all worlds — the artistic freedom of self-publishing; outstanding support in marketing, public relations and distribution; and accountability to a production schedule that will motivate me to hit my writing deadlines.

I’m so glad I trusted my gut. Banish Your Inner Critic is going to get wider exposure than I’d previously envisioned!

Make sure you sign up on the mailing list for the book announcements. For those of you interested in being a beta reader, there’s still time to sign up on the beta reader list.

Even though I’ll be busy writing, do get in touch if you’d like me to keynote or conduct a workshop this summer!

1 Comment

  1. Cinquanta Cox-Smith
    July 24, 2016

    Hi Denise I just submitted a book proposal to Mango. I’m interested in knowing how the process was and what has been the success of your show.


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