Sweet baby jesus, I’m an author!
Well, I have been under rock for the last eight months, but it has been for a good reason. At last year’s SXSWi, I met Wendy Sharp, the editor of a web buddy Robert Hoekman Jr at the Great British Booze up party. We spoke briefly, and she told me about a book that she wanted to get a book written about troubleshooting CSS. I told her that I used to teach web design and development, and that I used to focus heavily on teaching troubleshooting skills so that my students would stop freaking out when their pages didn’t look as expected, and that writing something like that would probably be fun. She said she would contact me later and follow up with our conversation.
Well, true to her word, she emailed me a week later, and within two months, I had a book contract with PeachPit press. I have loved many of the titles that PeachPit has produced over the years and used them extensively in my courses, so I was (and am) thrilled to be associated with them.
So, fast forward to today: the book is finished! With the help of Wendy, my super-awesome tech editor, Estelle Weyl, and the copy editor, Jacqueline Aaron, and the whole fantastic production team at PeachPit, I present to you, The CSS Detective Guide, going to the printers on March 12, and available April 2, 2010.
And if that wasn’t enough, through my volunteering with the WaSP InterAct EduTF, I am also a co-author on the upcoming book, InterAct with Web Standards: A holistic approach to web design. How incredibly cool is that?