We Can Create a Better World

“Creative work is not the selfish act or bid for attention on the part of the actor. It’s a gift to the world and every being on it. Don’t cheat us of your contribution. Give us what you’ve got.” — Steven Pressfield, The War of Art In addition to becoming more of who we are, […]
6 Ways Leaders Can Start Banishing Their Inner Critic

In order to be effective leaders, we must know how to bring the best out of ourselves as well as encourage the same in others. Therein lies the rub. Despite outward appearances, when in a position of leadership we may still feel like we don’t know enough, that everything we do needs to be perfect, […]
Breaking the Perfectionism-Procrastination Infinite Loop

Putting it off doesn’t make it go away. Getting it done does. — Ned Hallowell, Driven to Distraction You get out of the meeting with your client, full of ideas and energy about what you’re going to do next. You commit to a deadline for ideas, a proposal, designs — some kind of deliverable to […]
Is Your Inner Critic Too Loud? Tune It Out!

“Choice of attention – to pay attention to this and ignore that – is to the inner life what choice of action is to the outer.” — W. H. Auden, poet In the past, the Inner Critic may have seemed like a huge, intimidating presence in your mind, with your stringent self-criticisms appearing as if they are the […]
How to Reclaim Time and Create Mental Space

In our age of distraction and overwhelm, it’s all too easy to forget that time is a mental construct, and what our brains are actually keeping track of is where we put our attention. If you have simply too much going on to be creative, then you need to shift attention, especially as the management […]