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bnita@drizzle.com  phone= 206.860.5656>

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My new residence!

My room

The beautiful garden!

Why am I moving? Where am I moving to?

So many people have been asking me this question via email that I figured I needed to provide an explanation (with pictures, of course!)

So, here's what happened: I have been living in my cute little cottage with a garden that I did from scratch. My landlord has faithfully raised the rent every 1.5 years, stating that I couldn't find a comparable place for the price. This is despite the fact that I have improved the value of the property by essentially landscaping it. Well. In May, I got a notice that the rent was going up $50 to $825.00. This, for me, was just too much money to pay for a space that I have done all this work to and for a fairly unresponsive landlord. Also, almost everyone that I have told asks me the same thing: "doesn't he realize that this is a renter's market? Doesn't he realize that good tenants are hard to find?" My guess is that the answer to these questions is "No." Furthermore, that amount of money seems more like a mortgage to me, and I need a rent that is more compatible with my teaching income.

So I took this all as a sign that it is time for (more) big change for me (see what happened in my life June of 2002). I have been feeling pulled towards changing my life anyway. For example, over the past year or two, I have ratcheted down my soap-making business and have concentrated on only teaching the classes, but early this spring, I have decided to take a sabbatical from teaching the soap and bath classes as well (Summer quarter will be my last for a while). So this is a perfect time to lighten my load (as you can see, I have accumulated while a lot!), and to change how my life is structured. It feels good! I have way more stuff than I need.

I wil be moving into a houseshare situation with a very nice couple named Gail and Mark. My new address will be 223 31st Avenue, Seattle, WA 98122 (this is in Leschi, between Spruce and Alder). If I can manage it, my phone number will stay the same: 206. 860. 5656. Just to be safe, after June 30th, you should use this email address: bnita@eudoramail.com (I will always have this one - it's free!).

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